Nope, nope, nope.

By:  Lionel Hutz
January 9, 2014 5:48 am | Category: Weather

“Lionel, why haven’t you posted a full write up in a while? Do you not love us?”

No. I still love you. The weather doesn’t.

For the Northern Mountains of New York, Vermont and New Hampshire, the last month has been about as grim as grim can be. Dry deep freezes punctuated with ice and rain storms does not make for really good conditions. While there have been a few good days sprinkled in, by and large it’s been a sad trombone state of affairs.

Good news is the pattern looks like it is changing. The bad news is that first we get ANOTHER RAINSTORM.



On Saturday a low pressure center will deepen in the south, ride up the west of the Appalachian spine and bring warm temps and possible periods of heavy rain to the Northeast. (Maybe it will melt some of the ice at least? I’m fairly tired of worrying about breaking a bone walking to my car.)

After that, there is fairly good indication that the pattern becomes more “zonal” for a period of time. That means a fairly straight west to east flow with temperatures at or slightly above normal. Storms tend to be less impressive in these pattens with elevation dependent snowfalls. However, that’s better than deeply amplified storms that cut to our west due to blocking patterns.

So stay tuned, sharpen the edges and make do with what we got. At some point it will be “on.”


  1. buffalo777
    wrote on January 9th, 2014 at 7:44 am  


    ..Missed ya…

  2. Peter W
    wrote on January 9th, 2014 at 8:00 am  
  3. kaya
    wrote on January 9th, 2014 at 12:46 pm  

    Thanks for being “back” missed your posts for a while FB just doesn’t cut it but any insights thru whatever means always welcome!

  4. bigwave dave
    wrote on January 9th, 2014 at 1:29 pm  

    lets hope the piper is getting paid now and the real sweet months, you know, like with more than 7 hours of workable light, the dump comes in HARD.

    Lionel, thoughts on whether this rain will wipe out the existing meager snowpack? gonna be hard to rebuild if so. Hoping not with projected highs at altitude in the upper 30’s

    • Lionel Hutz
      wrote on January 10th, 2014 at 5:01 am  

      The existing iceberg you mean?
      I don’t know if any weekend of rain is going to puncture that stuff.
      Not going to help it.
      That’s for sure.

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