Archive for the 'General Interest' Category

TR: The Turn
July 27th, 2010 | By:  Greg

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A lot of folks focus on the summer solstice as the turning point from summer to winter. They say: “the days are now getting shorter” or “we’ve made the turn away from the sun.” As any bona fide ski addict knows however, the solstice is hardly a turning point, ... ...Read more

Elevation Dependence
May 11th, 2010 | By:  Greg | 8 Comments

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I had a chance to shoot some scenics of Mount Mansfield on Monday. The air was crisp and super clear, and the contrast of the mountain and the valley was astonishing. The most striking thing this time of year is how elevation dependent our late season snow falls are, in ... ...Read more

Is it Time for Backcountry Rescue Insurance in New Hampshire?
April 16th, 2010 | By:  Greg | 45 Comments

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Do you know who pays for finding, rescuing and transporting an incapacitated backcountry user in New Hampshire from the backcountry to a hospital? The injured person? The injured person's insurance? The tax dollars of the people of the state of New Hampshire? The citizens of the United States through ... ...Read more

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