Neil Lareau

< Neil currently resides in Salt Lake City where he recently completed his Masters degree in Atmospheric Science at the Univeristy of Utah. His thesis focused on variations in the storm tracks across the Western US — the informal conclusion of that study is, big surprise, that it always snows a lot in Utah. A result that Neil has dutifully confirmed with extensive field-testing in the Wasatch backcountry. Neil is now working on his Phd “Pile it Higher and Deeper” (the snow and the research that is).
In other unofficial research Neil has concluded that telemarking is a superior mode of skiing. Why you ask? ‘Cause it looks cool and chicks dig it. These results have not been peer reviewed outside of the FIS weather bureau.

Prior to moving to the promised land of snow, Neil worked at the Mount Washington Observatory (where he met Porter and Greg) and in the Appalachian Mountain Club hut system where he fell in love with mountain meteorology and skiing the terrain of the Presidential Range. He has since concluded that skiing in Utah is more enjoyable, though he still has a soft spot in his heart for the spring skiing in the Whites.

Even longer ago Neil earned a degree in oil painting. Meteorology was a natural next step.

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